
In this essay I discuss the phenomenon of synchronicity.  Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences.  We become aware of them when our intuition is opening up.  Synchronicities are supportive and are a manifestation of interconnection.  Our unconscious is the orchestrator of extraordinary synchronicities.

Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences.  They are the occurrence of synchronous events or happenings, which occur at the same time or in close proximity to each other, and have a similar theme or motif.  It is the significance of these events for the person experiencing them which makes them synchronicities.  These events may be external, that is to say, two or more events in your external world or environment have occurred which have a similar theme and they are meaningful.  Or some external event or events have occurred which are reflecting your mind, that is to say, your external world is corresponding with your internal world.  Synchronicities occur more frequently when we are making progress in our life and reaching milestones in our personal development, self-actualization and self-realization.  We become aware of synchronicities when we are awakening and our intuition or sixth sense is opening up.  Synchronicities are affirming, encouraging, supportive, educational, guiding and predictive.  The following are some examples.

You may have been thinking about something or acquiring some new insight and later on in the day you meet someone who mentions the thing you were thinking about or becoming aware of.  Or a post may appear on your social media which is related to what you have been thinking about or it may be heralding a milestone you are approaching in your life.  Or maybe you need help on a certain matter and sometime later you are attending a group and someone responds to your need with some form of support or advice without having any knowledge of your situation.   Another type is hearing the same thing through separate sources.  This is a message which is prompting you to become aware of something or providing you with direction.  And there is the predictive kind.  Have you ever been thinking about someone and shortly afterwards you get a call or message from them or when you go out you meet them.  Or maybe you’ve had a dream or vision about someone or something which foretells a meeting or occurrence the following day or evening.  These are just a few scenarios.

Synchronicities are supportive signs.  They are beacons guiding us and inspiring us and letting us know we are on the right track.  They are providing us with assistance, support and confirmation.  You are not alone.  You are a child of the universe and this is the universe’s way of communicating with you and assisting you.  Synchronicities don’t always signify a desired outcome but they are constructive if we learn from the outcome.  In which case they are facilitating a valuable experience for us.  Successful people learn from their failures and don’t give in.  And synchronicities may not always be informing us of good news but they are alerting us and preparing us.

Synchronicities may appear baffling as we are living in an age of materialism and have been conditioned to believe that we are objects separated by space and living in isolation from each other, our environment and the universe.  So how can your external world know your mind and respond in peculiar ways?  Synchronicities are easily explainable when we think in terms of energy.  Our essence is an energy field which is part of a Universal Energy Field.  The Universal Energy Field pervades the cosmos and connects all things.  How do we know this Universal Field?  By its effects.  Gravity is analogous to the Universal Field in that it is also an invisible force which we know by its effects.  We can’t observe gravity directly with the senses but we can observe how matter is effected by it: what goes up must come down, the ocean’s tides, the orbits of the planets etc.  So what are the effects of the Universal Field?  Synchronicity is an effect produced by the Universal Field.

The Universal Energy Field permeates the universe and connects all things.  The energy dimension is operating at a higher frequency than the material universe and is outside the range of the ordinary human senses but is known by our six sense (intuition) which is repressed and undeveloped in modern people.  There is no separation in the energy dimension.  This is the realm of the unseen: subtle reality: energy: consciousness.  Space is the metaphysical or immaterial aspect of the universe.  Objects and people only appear to be separated by space, a person is not encapsulated in a physical body and mental processes are not confined within the human brain.  Our fields extend beyond our physical bodies.  Our minds are interacting subconsciously and nonlocally with each other and our environment which give rise to synchronistic experiences.  Everything is connected by the Universal Field.

Our unconscious is the orchestrator of seemingly impossible synchronicities which are also known as signs.  For example, opening a book at exactly the right place.  Or the timing of events which are significant and deliver a message to us or prepare us for something.  You are listening to your new album and hear the title of the new essay or chapter you have just written.  Or you may feel moved to watch a movie, television programme or video and discover there is a pertinent message in there for you.  Our unconscious mind is one with the universe and is immensely powerful.  Our higher power is guiding us on our life journey.

John Gallagher © 2021

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