The Multidimensional Universe

There are multiple planes or dimensions in the universe.  These are all energy planes.  The physical plane, the astral plane and the spiritual plane are planes of increasing vibration and decreasing density.  The physical plane is the material universe which is energy with a very low vibration and high density.  The astral plane, also known as the emotional plane, is a higher vibrational and lower density plane than the physical plane.  The spiritual plane has a very high vibration and very low density.

Each of the planes mentioned has sub-planes.  The physical plane is comprised of matter.  The four fundamental states of matter are solid, liquid, gas and plasma.  The astral plane has many sub-planes of increasing vibration and lowering density.  The physical plane and astral plane are the realms of forms.  Forms in the physical plane are comprised of galaxy clusters, galaxies, stars, planets, animals, vegetation, bacteria, compounds, atomic and subatomic particles.  The astral plane contains forms of a much lower density which have some similarities with the physical plane.  The spiritual plane also has sub-planes.  Lower heavens and higher heavens.  In Hinduism Devachan is a lower heaven where souls who have ascended through the astral plane enjoy a blissful experience before reincarnating on the physical plane.  Devaloka is a higher heaven where enlightened souls have ascended and no longer need to reincarnate in physical form but may do so when called.  Devaloka is a plane of pure bliss also known as Nirvana.  The spiritual plane is a plane of energy forms.

This is a simplified summary that serves to illustrate the physical, astral and spiritual planes.  There are more planes that I have read from other sources in which we exist simultaneously as we are multidimensional beings.  Different sources may vary in their description and number of planes.  Each of the planes interpenetrate each other and has correspondences.  Synchronicity is a correspondence between higher planes and the physical plane.  As we ascend through each plane we discard an aspect of our being, beginning with our physical body upon death, and become aware of the astral plane.  A similar death experience occurs in the astral plane when we discard our astral body and become aware of the spiritual plane.

John Gallagher © 2022

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